Hey guys I'm back hmm. Jadi gue mau cerita ttg b-party saritakyuu padahal ulangtahunnya 5juli tapi dirayainnya jumat kemaren. Pertamanya mau nraktir ke Dadu, tempat makan seafood enak deket rumah tiwi eh gajadi dah kejauan. Akhirnya d'cost ITC aja-_-
Jadi gue dan anak-anak lain udah minta traktir dari hari senen, eh kata sarita 'rabu aja.' Yaudah kan kita udah seneng gt mau rabu taunyaah diah gak bawa duit dan akhirnya gajadi dah gua males ke d'cost kan no money akhirnya makan soto eka aja-_- dan pulang tp fun soalnya citra ke rumah.
Nah terus akhirnya jumat datang juga. Pulang sekolah gua kira langsung kan taunya kata sarita jem 1an eh dia malah ngegosip dulu di lantai 2 sama si gita lydia tiwi gaby disusul kistin dan patris. Gua sama ming-ming udah kaya anak ilang teriak-teriak dari lantai 1 akhirnya nyusuls. Eh terus ada pak ganteng a.k.a mr *beep* secret dongya my idol gitu huaha gadeng pokonya mirip Raditya Dika-_-(menurut gua sihya) trus akhirnya cabut juga.
Pas masuk ITC seperti biasa sarita kebelet pipis gtu akhirnya ke wc. Dan idepun muncul! Beliin sarita cute litlle cake di Rainbow harganya 15rebu... Akhirnya saya dan ming2 pura-pura balik kita udh beli kue dan beli lilin nihya ke carefour. Nah tiba-tiba datang lydia gaby patris kistin katanya sarita ke A&W dulu nemuin kak zaly. Dan sarita belom aman yaudah kan yah akhirnya mereka naik. Gua sama ming2 cengo gt kan ya menunggu akhirnya gua pengen boker yaudah boker aja dulu huaha. Nah lydia sms ke hp ming2 kan (gua gabawa hp shit) katanya mrk udh di d'cost yaudin gua ke sana tapi salah gt gua lewat samping jd surprisenya GAGAL huaha but its okay sarita seneng gt mukanya. Dan dengan biadapnya lgs aja gua pesen 2poersi kerang ijo saus padang huahaha dan langsung makan lapar boooo'.
Udah makan kan, trs mau karoke takut gabisa pada pk baju sekolah soalnya kannn. Huaha 40rb gt karokenya pada gabawa duit padahal saya ada freepass 1jem tapi LUPA BAWA, Sungguh bodoh. Akhirnya malah ngiter2 gak jelas mana gua sakit perut abis makan pedes akhirnya ke wc(again) trus gua dijemput akhirnya gua balik sampe rumah hmm ngapain ya lupa huaha.
Warm Regards, S
18 July, 2009
sarita's surprise b-party
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 9:51 PM 0 comments
some tips if you wants your ex back
hey readers, now I have some tips gitukan if you wants your ex back. buat sendiri huaha in english tapi. so, here they are,
-Sometimes we feel lonely if we are single and see our friends with bfs or you are in a long distance relationship, or perhaps you befriend your Ex but what you really wanted was to be together again and miss that time when you were so close and cuddling together, no matter of these, as long as you can endure the obstacles, see the positives in each other and respect one another, make sure you never give up, for the best relationships come from a stronger will and paitence that you can endure for ht sake of being togethere forever...dont worry about the girls that get every guy, just go for the one you really want most and work things out together and you will have real happyness, not one-night stands, you will win real love, not lust with meaniningless countless bfs....and try not to let any other girls get in your way, if you truly love him, you cant let that obnoxious boyhogger take him away, just dont get obbsessive with it, tell him how you feel in a respectful way and say how you think its rite that you two should stay...and if he does something wrong, dont yell...talk it out calmly and try to understand, this way he can trust you and tell him that no matter if he makes a mistake or two, depending on what it is of course, that you still love him and wont dump him becaouse of one thing..cause this way, if you really love him...you can help him with it, while respecting his space...but if he's one that has cheated more than once, i say he needs to be taught a lesson on how it makes you feel and how insenseitive that is..well..you can make lecture up yourself, just dont make him run off and not talk to you anymore unless you really feel you dont want him no more.
-Never let someone take your loved one away from you! If you think someone might get into the relationship talk to your loved one and see what they think! It is hard because I let my ex boyfried's sister get in between it and insted of talking to me about it he droped me and it huts alot to know that I cant wake up in the morning saying that I am happy and I have my love to go to because I don't!
-If its meant to happen again, the opportunity of chances to talk to them will arise; don't hesitate, take it. a simple smile will do justice, be acquaintances, then friends, work your way up. Love is created in baby steps
-Everything has a happy ending, if your not happy, its not the end
-once you love someone you never stop loving them it doesnt work that way and i still love you to this day
-if you know you put everything you could possible put into the relationship and you tried everythings and it still isnt wokring out then it wud be easier to move on.because thier is nothing left to do...but if u feel you didnt do everything in your power to make it work and u had to break up...you will neva be ale to forgive urself so make sure everytime weneva u can however you can make effort even if its the littlest things. Even if you have nothing to give or show its the little things that make the world go round
-he goes through your mind 24/7 you think you see him your heart drops.. that one little touch off him makes your heart skip a beat..you just have to be patient its hard i go thru seeing him everyday every song reminds me of him and i sit and cry and i know he feels that way about me just he wants too much
-Through pain and suffering we as humans learn the most important and hardest lessons of life, through those lessons we can learn how to repair what once was broken
-Love is like war, easy to start, hard to end, and almost imposible to forget
-While you may experience regret that is amplified by seeing your ex with another partner, never lose yourself or sacrifice your dignity, i.e. make rational decisions driven by logic and don't compromise. You'll be viewed as stronger and ultimately more attractive if you follow this rule
-After losing a loved one its hard to move on without thinking or crying about it. You will lose many sleepless nights and it will be harder to concentrate on everyday activities. But eventually if it was meant to be things will work out. I am still waiting
-do or dont if he cheated on you you shouldnt because how will you know he will do it again but you know that he did it because he thought you were that still is wrong .whatevere you think right then do it but if month has went by maybe not. becarefully dont get hurt again
hmm okey that's all, enough pegel huaha. Happy Trying guys, coba aja kalo mau.
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 7:55 PM 0 comments
17 July, 2009
okey ya, gue melihat sesuatu dari beberapa temen gue I mean their love story dan gue bakal ceritain sedikit. mungkin ini bisa jadi pelajaran buat kalian juga
-cewe ini sayang bgt sama her ex tapi sayangnya ex-nya ini jahat banget dan dia kaya diselingkuhin. Tapi dia gak berani marah malah mereka masih pacaran biarpun ni cewe tau gt ex nya brengsek. Akhirnya mereka putus gt walopun dengan berat hati ni cewe sedih dan sampe sekarang masih berharap... exnya balik. Ex nya ini pacar pertamanya dan dia berharap banget bisa selamanya sama ex-nya.
-cowo ini pernah disakitin cewe diajak putus-nyambung gt sampe akhirnya dia gk tahan cewenya diputusin. Terus dia suka sama cewe di sekolah cewe temennya dan hts-an, tapi cewe ini udah punya cowo. Dia ngajak jadian berkali-kali dan tetep ditolak. Lalu cowo ini kaya ngedeketin his ex again ya tapi ternyata cewe yg diincer lg ada masalah sama cowonya. Taunya mantannya di abaikan lagi padahal mantannya kaya ada feel lg ke dia. Sekarang mantannya bingung harus gimana tp ttp cowo ini jutekin/diemin dia.
-cewe yang mrasa karma karna dulu suka mainin cowo. Disaat dia nemuin cowo yang menurutnya pas, dia ditinggalin. Tapi dia gk jera buat pacaran. Parahnya terakhir pacaran dia diselingkuhin&diputusin sama her ex. Dia bingung dan sedih padahal dia sayaaaang banget sama mantannya. Dia msih belom sanggup kehilangan pacarnya itu. Sampe dia mau bunuh diri berkali-kali tapi gagal terus. Akhirnya dia ngata-ngatain selingkuhannya sama mantannya tapi karna masih sayang dia baikan sama mantannya. Dia gaktau mesti gimana karna ngelupain mantannya hal tersulit buat dia.
-seorang cewe yang di kekang sama cowonya. Cewe ini nggak tahan dengan perlakuan begitu tapi dia sayaaaang banget sama cowonya. Cowonya gak suka gt dia ngegaul dll. Bahkan kerumah temen cewe aja masih diomel-omelin. kayanya cowonya pengen yg terbaik buat dia tapi caranya salah. Dia gak suka dikekang tapi gak berani ngebantah daripada dia disuruh putus, dia gak mau kehilangan cowonya. Waktu itu cowonya pernah berubah karna dia pengen putus. Tapi akhirnya cowonya balik lagi ngekang2 dan dia gak tahan lagi.
-cewe yang suka sama seseorang tapi sayangnya udah punya cewe. Cowonya pernah ngaku suka ke cewe ini tapi gmn. Trus cewenya si cowonya itu jelesan dll sampe akhirnya cewe ini tertekan dengan perlakuan cowonya. Kasian banget.
-cowo yang pada awal dia jadian dengan seorang cewe disakitin terus sama cewenya dan akhirnya cwenya nyadar. Tapi suatu saat dia ngeduain cewenya dan cewenya diputusin. Dia jadian dan dia sayang banget sama cewenya sekarang. Mungkin lebih daripada ke mantannya dulu.
-cewe ini dulu suka dan bahkan jadian sama seorang cowo. Dia terbilang cukup bandel karna smoke&drink beer. Tapi karna cowo ini dia mampu berubah yaitu gak sering ngeroko dan minum lagi. Dia sayang banget sama cowonya sampe-sampe berubah total, dan dia jadi keliatan lebih cantik karna lebih sering ngerawat diri biaar bisa keliatan cantik dimata cowonya. Tapi ternyata dia diduakan. Sampe akhirnya dia bertekat 'i'll find someone better than you!!!' Wish her Luck guys. Dan dia bangkit dari sakitnya itu.
- seorang cewe di selingkuhin tapi bukannya marah, dia malah bersahabat sama selingkuhan cowonya. Dia kesampingin perih dan sakit hatinya. Yang dia mau cuma 1, got her ex. Karna hubungan mereka udah lumayan lama. Dan akhirnya setelah dapet cowonya pindah ke luar negri lalu pada akhirnya dia di selingkuhin lagi dan dia sahabatan lagi. Selalu kaya gitu dan akhirnya dia coba bunuh diri karna gak tahan. Dia mau lompat dari balkon apartementnya tapi ternyata selama ini dia disukain cowo dan cowo ini meluk dia dari belakang pas dia mau lompat supaya gak bunuh diri. Akhirnya mereka jadian dan cowonya baik banget. Serta si cewe berubah jadi lebih baik:D
nah itu dia siapa tau kalian terinspirasi dari mereka haha.
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 11:54 PM 0 comments
i think that's enough
enough. I can't woi. cukup banget begini aja udah bikin tumpah berkali-kali. if you love me just say it, and if you don't ubah semua perlakuan itu, okey? deal, ya.
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 11:50 PM 0 comments
can't forget everything ya
pengen marah gak bisa. nanti ujung-ujungnya gua lagi yang disalahin. pengen mati gak bisa. Tuhan masih terlalu baik ngasih gua kesempatan tapi selalu gua sia-siain. pengen nangis gak bisa. MALES lebih tepatnya. pengen ngatain gak bisa. pasti yang kena gua lagi. pengen jaga omongan gak bisa. selalu bawaannya pengen ngatain.
Oh God, hidup saya gak berguna nyampah aja nih jadi lebih baik saya melakukan apa biar Kau cepat memanggilku? Tobat dulu? hmm I'll try ko tapi saya punya permintaan sekali-kali biarkan saya bahagia dengan orang yang saya sayang tanpa ada rintangan/halangan yang malah nambah dosa huaha AMIN AMIN.
(curhat colongan hmm)
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Baby, baby, when we first met
I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover and my best friend
All wrapped into one, with a ribbon on it
And all of a sudden, when you left
I didn't know how to follow, it's like a shot
That spun me around and now my heart left
I feel so empty and hollow
And I'll never give myself to another, the way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize the ways you hit me, do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
And now I feel like, oh, you're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke all these cigarettes no more
I guess this is what I get for wishful thinking
I should've never let you into my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
It's not amusing like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
Damn, ain't it crazy when your love slams?
You'll do anything for the one you love
'Cause anytime that you needed me, I'd be there
It's like you were my favorite drug
The only problem is that you was using meIn a different way that I was using you
But now that I know, it's not meant to be
You gotta go, I gotta win myself over you
And I'll never give myself to another, the way I gave it to you
Don't even recognize the ways you hit me, do you?
It's gonna take a miracle to bring me back
And you're the one to blame
'Cause now I feel like, oh, you're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke all these cigarettes no more
I guess this is what I get for wishful thinking
I should've never let you into my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
It's not amusing like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby, you're my diseaseIt's like
I checked into rehab
Baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my diseaseI gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
Now ladies, gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, now gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Now ladies, gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, now gimme that
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, you're the reason why I'm thinking
I don't wanna smoke all these cigarettes no more
I guess this is what I get for wishful thinking
I should've never let you into my door
Next time you wanna go on and leave
I should just let you go on and do it
It's not amusing like I believe
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby, you're my disease
It's like I checked into rehab
Baby, you're my diseaseI gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
I gotta check into rehab
'Cause baby, you're my disease
I love this song pokonya dalem sekali lyric nya. Yang intinya dia berubah cuma karna 1 boy yang ngebuat dia feel something so strong sampe bela-belain not smoke all the ciggaretes dan ya gitudeh. Huaha tau-taunya ditinggalin sampe butuh Rehab. Like my story ya-_- bener deh... Dengerin deh lagunya enaaak sekali. Yang dalem dan mengingatkan gue 'something' in my past tuh pas dia bilang 'And I'll never give myself to another, the way I gave it to you' hmm bener sekali ya! I'll never give myself to another like I gave it to you woi! Okey that's enough ya haha rada males aja ngomongin past huaha.
Loveeeeeeee, S
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 9:26 PM 0 comments
hey bitch just shut up your fucking mouth ya. I KNOW everything loh so SHUT UP, okay. I can kill you if I want to. tapi sayangnya males-_- gak usah belaga baik di depan ya? mentang-mentang seumur belagu dah. shut up, okay? gua gak bisa jaga mulut if you can't too.
fuck you!, S
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 3:02 AM 0 comments
ehhh tumben gua akhir-akhir ini menemukan kembali kebahagiaan (bahasanya gk enak) karna beberapa hari lalu lagi ada BIG-PROBLEM yang membuat saya down terus kurusan tapi mata gua ada lingkaran item gt bawahnya terus muka gua jelek blablabla deh membuat muak pokonya. tapi sekarang sudah tidak! gua udah seneng lagi haha tidak tau kenapa:D yang penting akhirnya I can forget everything ya thanks for all my bestiesss
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 2:32 AM 0 comments
hey i'm back
hey readers (kaya ada yg mau baca-_-) I'm back loh I mean my mood back. waktu itu lagi moody jadi males hmm. eh tumben si master gak ol ol wuahaha pengen ngerecokin but still silent deh gua daripada......... I got another prob ya enough enoooough prob saya sedang banyak ditambah kestressan gak bisa kemang pim karna teoris teoris biadap duh saya speechless.
Posted by Sheila Azaria at 2:27 AM 0 comments